47 Laboratory Model 4719 Speaker Cables
The conductor is a 12mm wide, 0.1mm thick OFC. When converted to a strand of wire, it corresponds to 0.62mm diameter in cross section and 7.64mm diameter in surface area.
The surface of the wire was polished then covered with a very thin tubing.
Comes with a pair of scissors to cut the end to fit to the connectors of your component.
What you get is the speed and coherence of OTA cable plus extentions in both frequence extremes and even more harmonic richness.
4719 Series
4719 2.0m stereo € 770
4719 2.5m stereo € 890
4719 3.0m stereo € 1010
En démonstration.
Bon mariage
Le haut rendement dans toute sa splendeur.
A partir de 16 900,00€/La Paire